
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is "Bed-sharing" Safe for Baby?

We have tried several different sleep arrangements with our baby and some of them worked better than others, but I wanted to understand more about what constitutes a safe sleep environment and what would work best for our family.

These are some interesting articles I found:

{the first two articles are by Dr. James J. Mckenna, PhD. who works at the University of Notre Dame Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory and has published several articles on infant-child sleep. Dr. Mckenna specializes in: Infant Sleep, Breast Feeding, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Evolution of Human Behavior (especially parenting and infant development), Evolutionary Medicine, Primate Social Behavior, Human Evolution}

In Defense of Maya's Mother, by Dr. James J. Mckenna, PhD. - published in the Contemporary Pediatrics Journal, 2000.

Why Babies Should Never Sleep Alone: A Review of the Co-Sleeping Controversy, in Relation to SIDS, Bed-Sharing and Breastfeeding, by Dr. James J. Mckenna, PhD. - this is an article that was published in Pediatric Respiratory Reviews in 2005. It is long, just FYI, but very interesting information. defines "Bed-Sharing" and "Co-Sleeping" and if you go HERE you can read more about these options and why there are some really positive reasons to "Co-Sleep" & "Bed-Share". Also, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, there are many, many more articles from various authors on this topic.

May we all sleep well and feel rested! :)


  1. This is an interesting article about the family bed:
    I'm not sure this would convince someone that was trying to decide if this was the right choice for them, but it is an interesting read just the same.

  2. Thanks for sharing that article, Lori Beth. I really enjoyed it. It helps to paint a picture in my mind of how it will work and continue to work with each kiddo. I feel like I am kinda just learning as I go. :)
