
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Motherhood is full of challenges... finding a place to breastfeed your baby shouldn't be one of them.

Did you know that you have legal rights when it comes to breastfeeding your baby in public places? You do! In most states, it is considered legal anywhere a Mother is "authorized to be".

Check out your state laws, HERE.

I included the website link on the left side bar, too.

Recently a mother was harassed and asked to leave a Whole Foods Marketplace in Salt Lake City, UT because she was breastfeeding her child. You can read about it HERE.

Its a shame that a place like that would be so discriminating when they tout "healthy living" and "healthy food" in their marketing... What is healthier than BFing a baby?

I hope this doesn't happen often and I think it is sad that Mothers are made to feel like they aren't welcome to care for the needs of their children in public. Our culture has some pretty unhealthy views, in my humble opinion.

HERE is some info on a "NURSE-IN" that is being organized on August 20th, in protest of Whole Foods discrimination of breastfeeding mothers.

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