
Monday, February 28, 2011

Breastfeeding & Brain Development

"When breast milk begins to flow (approximately two to three days after delivery), it [...] provides important vitamins and minerals for your baby, including the brain-cell builder taurine. While taurine is not an essential amino acid, its high concentration in breast milk does seem to indicate a need that cannot be met by the child's own body. But how much taurine is in formula or cow's milk? None! Yet extremely high levels of this "smart" substance are found in the brains of children, indicating that it is an important aid to brain growth. Ninety-six per cent of brain growth occurs by the age of five years. The average age at which a child weans in cultures that practice infant-led weaning is - you guessed it - five years." -Dr. George Wootan

This is the full article:

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