
Monday, February 28, 2011

Why is Iron Deficient Anemia Uncommon in Breastfed Babies?

  • Healthy, full-term babies have enough iron stores in their bodies to last for at least the first six months. The current research indicates that a baby's iron stores should last between six and twelve months, depending upon the baby.

  • The iron in breastmilk is better absorbed than that from other sources. The vitamin C and high lactose levels in breastmilk aid in iron absorption.

    Iron Source
    Percentage of Iron Absorbed
    ~50 - 70%
    iron-fortified cow milk formula
    ~3 - 12%
    iron-fortified soy formula
    less than 1% - 7%
    iron-fortified cereals
    4 - 10%
    cow's milk
    Note: The amount of iron absorbed from any food depends greatly upon the milk source of iron (eg, human vs cow), type of iron compound in the food, the body's need for iron, and the other foods eaten at the same meal.

  • Breastfed babies don't lose iron through their bowels; cow's milk can irritate the intestinal lining (resulting in a tiny amount of bleeding and the loss of iron).

The original iron stores of a full-term healthy baby, combined
with the better-absorbed iron in breastmilk, are usually enough
to keep baby's hemoglobin levels within the normal range
well into the second six months.

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