
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Babywise: why its not a wise idea

I have had a couple people encourage me to read a book called "On Becoming Babywise" by Pastor Gary Ezzo (who has no medical background) but since I had already heard about some of the philosophies contained in the book, I was pretty sure it wasn't something I would be interested in. I'm more of an attachment parenting sorta Mom.

HERE is an article on some of the risks associated with following the Babywise book.

I respect other parents rights to parent how they feel comfortable, however, I draw the line when a child suffers. We all need to make sure we are well informed as parents, meaning we can't just read one book and call it good. No matter what you are considering for your baby, make sure it can be well supported by sound medical evidence, research and the AAP, WHO or other well known, well respected organizations.

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