
Saturday, April 16, 2011


A Helpful Mom posted this link for "Momsicles" for babies who are teething. This is a great alternative to other frozen solids if you are wanted to keep exclusively breastfeeding. Thanks Brady!

I made a variation of this breastmilk popsicle and at first Colin wasn't sure about it, but he was curious. If nothing else, it distracted him enough so he stopped crying! ;)

I offered it to him in a Sassy Teether Feeder. You can check them out HERE on Amazon (cheap). Or HERE at (convenient). HERE is a link to the mesh replacements on Another couple of options are the Munchkin brand, or the Nuby brand. I have a friend that has the Munchkin brand and says its hard to clean because the mesh bag does not come out like the Sassy and Nuby brand. Another friend has the Nuby and she loves it! HERE is a link to the Nuby on HERE is the link to the Munchkin brand on Sassy also makes a pink/purple one for those of you with girls... though I can't find it as cheap.

I had some extra fabric that I decided to sew into an alternate feeder for the Sassy feeder. The texture seemed to be more appealing to baby. I used a lightweight silk type fabric (and had to hand sew it because I couldn't get it to go through the sewing machine without getting jammed!) At first he just licked at it, but after a couple of times offering it, he started to suck on it and pretty soon the whole cube was gone. It can get a little messy, but nothing that a bib can't handle.

I poured breastmilk about half way up in an ice cube tray and that size fit great in the Sassy Teether Feeder.

Have fun experiementing!

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