
Friday, April 29, 2011


Good question.

There are a lot of different theories on this topic and it is pretty widely debated. Bottom line, do what feels right.

And know that baby will sleep through the night when he/she is good and ready...

For those of you at the point where baby DOES sleep through the night but then a month later (or so) he/she starts waking again, wanting to nurse,please know that this is normal. Your 4 month old is not manipulating you. They do not have the developmental capacity to do so. He/She is simply meeting the needs of his/her body. Your baby is likely having a growth spurt OR is simply at the age where they are easily distracted during the day and probably not getting all the calories they need. Starting around 4 months, babies tend to have a hard time focusing on breastfeeding and tuning out all the fun and interesting things going on around them. Night time is when they make up for lost calories they missed during the day. Think about it: night time is quiet, dark and there are basically no distractions!

You can try to help limit this by feeding baby in a quiet, dark room during the day and feeding as often as possible, even if they are short feeds. This will minimize night time feedings to some extent if not all together. (This advice comes from a Certified Lactation Consultant)

For those of you with babies who still insist on getting up during the night to eat, be patient. This too shall pass. :o) I'm right there with ya!

is a great article on this subject.

There is also tons of good info on, too!

*** Side Note: It might also help you to get more sleep if you bring baby into your room, either in bed or in a crib, so you don't have to trek to another room to get baby in the night for a feeding. The less baby wakes from crying to get fed, the more easily he/she will likely go back to sleep during the night.

The sidelying position can also help you rest/sleep during the night when baby wants to nurse. If you do not feel comfortable in this position, talk to a lactation consultant or someone who has used this position successfully. They may be able to help you figure out how to make it work and it really makes a huge difference, especially during night time feedings. I use it during the day when I need a little rest, too! Its really quite nice.

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