There are SO many options out there for baby carriers. Some are better than others. Then there are many great choices, but it just comes down to personal preference... Are you tall? thin? have an older baby? more than one child? need versatility? need something easy and quick to use?
There is no "magic" baby carrier that works for everyone, all the time, in my humble opinion. But there are some carriers that work better for some and in certain situations. You may find that as baby grows, your preference changes.
If budget is important (I know for me, it is!) then there are some great tools to help with carrier purchases to keep cost lower.
1) See if you can borrow from a friend that has a carrier you like. Maybe they will even sell it to you for a lower price, since its used, or you could kinda "rent" from them for a small amount of money.
2) Look on Craigslist or other on-line sites for used carriers. Most carriers are washable and hold up well after lots of use so even if its been used for one or two babies, it likely still has lots of life left in it. You can usually save more than 50% this way.
3) Try renting a carrier before you commit to buying. That way you know you like it (or don't like it) before you are out the money. Good carriers usually cost between $50-150 (some a little more, some a little less) so it helps to be SURE you like it. GRANOLA BABIES is a great website that allows you to rent a carrier for $10 (the cost of shipping) with a deposit. Once you return the carrier, after trying it out, the deposit becomes an in store credit you can use towards any carrier. HEAVENLY HOLDS is another website that lets you rent before you commit.
4) For simple carriers, you can find templates on-line to make your own! If you are pretty good at sewing, you can make a wrap or sling type carrier, usually for less than $25.
5) Check out on-line stores like Zulily or Babyhalfoff to find great discounted deals on lots of baby stuff. Sales change daily and are limited. Many times there will be deep discounts on versions that are being discontinued. This may mean major or minor changes to the product... just depends.
It can be overwhelming trying to find the right thing at the right price. Try to be patient and ask lots of questions.
I've also found that great support websites help where you can talk to other Moms who have tried the carrier you're interested in and can answer questions. is a great resource as is with a forum devoted just to baby wearing.
Good luck! I hope this helps!
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